Friday, September 24, 2010

blood go upstairs? can always come down :D

kadang2 bila melayan karenah anak2 ni, either you successfully handled them, or they successfully handled you by making your blood go upstairs or sometimes menitik air mata pun boleh jadi gak.

so, aku selalu gak try carik apa cara terbaik nak handle budak2 ni. altho sometimes aku rasa anak2 aku ni not that misbehaved, and surprisingly sometimes they behave better than other kids. and today aku came across one website, which i found very useful.

"We've all seen them: the out-of-control toddler hurling handfuls of sand at the park; the whiny-voiced 3-year-old begging for candy in the grocery line; the sassy 7-year-old yelling "you can't make me!" at the restaurant.

And we've privately dissed their parents, reassuring ourselves that we'd never be such a wimp if our child was terrorizing the playground or disrupting everyone's dinner.

But then it happens: the massive meltdown that takes you completely by surprise. And suddenly you are that parent — the one flailing to figure out what to do. The truth is, every child presents discipline challenges at every age, and it's up to us to figure out how to handle them.

Why is discipline such a big dilemma? Because it feels like a tightrope act. On one side there's the peril of permissiveness — no one wants to raise a brat. On the other side there's the fear of over-control — who wants to be the hardliner raising cowed, sullen kids?

What we need is a comfortable middle ground to ensure that our little ones grow up to be respectful, caring, and well behaved." ....
read more on types of misbehaviour and how to handle them on this website

it is a very good piece and most of the writing i found very relatively true and logic.

worth the read!

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