Tuesday, October 20, 2009


hazeem started the fever last night... once awhile he kept calling me 'Abah' - could it be that he misses his father?

last night harith got slightly feverish... aiseyman...!

we managed with few dosage of paracetamol.

liza said, give them Abah's kain so they can still smell him when they asleep. betui kaaa?? will try it, no harm.

p/s: cepat la balikkkkk......


Nuraizah@Yong said...

Yup, that's what they say. Tapi bagi dia baju/kain yang belum basuh..kasi ada bau sket!

ja amran said...

itu la pasal. hazeem may have missed his father sbb he sleeps with blongos. harith rupa2nya ada putih2 dlm mulut tu... teruk gak demam semlm, hari ni dah ok skit.

weh, still updates tak appear ek?!