Wednesday, January 28, 2009

for better and for worse...

when u talk about marriage... nobody really knows what lies ahead
but one thing you sure know is that... you married to someone you love
then, both of you will walk the life road together
naturally, nobody will have a smooth journey
and nobody walks a straight road
there will be bumps, humps...
junctions and corners
there will be ups and downs
sometimes, you will stop at traffic lights, good to catch a breather...
sometimes, you will take the highway for a smoother ride - but you have to pay toll (:D)
if you dont have enuf money, or you are just simply kedekut, you will take the normal road - takde toll but you may face the risk of traffic jam!
sometimes ada yang lagi kedekut... they will take jalan kampung
... no traffic, no toll but ada lembu, ayam and sometimes bikes that simply take their own sweet time on the road...

ok... apa aku merepek ni???

actually, just been thinking, marriage can be anything - depends on how u choose to make it be
you chose your partner (it is not as if a gun was pointed at you during akad nikah)
so, naturally... you will think of ways to make it work

i love my husband
i am sure he loves me too
he never say he loves me as often as before
he never take me out on dates like before
he never look at me with loving eyes as before
but i can live with it
words sometimes cannot explain how great a feeling is
how to go out on dates when we are busy getting love from 2 doting boys as well
how to look at me lovingly when sometimes kat rumah i wont even look at myself hehehhe joking
sometimes, i know he loves me when he bought me air pati haruan for my operation wound
he loves me when he still laughs at my jokes
he loves me when he could stand my temperamental attitudes
he loves me when spare even the last cent for me even when his poket is already empty
he loves me when he thinks of me when he prays
he loves me when he remembers to pour me a drink when he is having tea

that is how i knew... he had loved me before and still does
cuma cara nya berbeza


kung tau said...

sedangkan lidah lagi tergigit, apa lagi suami isteri, berlidah2 le..

kadang2 kita tengok pasangan tu bahagia sangat, tapi kita bukan tau apa berlaku dalam bilik.. melainkan kita pasang cctv..

setiap permasalahan, mempunyai cara penyelesaian yang berlainan untuk setiap pasangan.. bergantung kepada kebijaksanaan dan kebijaksituan masing2..


Arin said...

aku first time dgr ayat 'kebijaksituan'

Arin said...

anda di tag!

Cik Buya said...

kak ja..letak la gambar baby amir plak.