i realise... nowadays, who can we trust?
we cannot even trust ourselves
betul tak?
why do i say that?
sometimes, we lie to others - we thought we outsmarted them by making them believe in our lies...
hakikatnya, who are we cheating? ...diri sendiri
we lied about what we do every day
we lied about our ibadah
we lied about how we feel - our feelings...
reasons all depend on individual cases...
ada menipu utk merilekskan diri sekejap (ini selalunya tipu bos hehehhe)
ada menipu to get something done
ada menipu to not getting things done...
macam macam hang ada dalam dunia
tipu if i say i never lie, never cheat in my life
itu kira tipu besaq tu :D
but just to share....
liar, liar, pants on fire....
moga2 kurang la penipuan kita semua lepas ni... amiiiinnn
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