Monday, January 11, 2010

my dream ambitions... (masih lagi angan2... sigh....)

  1. a famous artist, very artistic and famous artist who does sketches and makes big bucks!
  2. an established architect who also makes big bucks!
  3. a jewelry designer who sells internationally and makes big bucks!
  4. a famous and creative author who writes good novels, internationally accepted and makes big bucks!
  5. do nothing and makes big bucks!!! 

notice the similarity??? muahhahahahha!!!!


Gazza said...

ahaha.. no 5 tu mmg best...
do nothing get big buck...
kalau ko dapat buat cam tu... aku pon nak tau cam ne.... hahahha...

Syahida said...

salam Ja,
no 4 is also my 5 tu can only be achieved if u marry someone who makes very the very BIG bucks...hahaha

Cik Buya said...

semuanya big bucks je. hehe. ;p

ja amran said...

errr... ada komen yg aku tak berapa nak paham :D

gazza, solution tu mcm syida jawab ehehe... ko dah kawen and aku pun dah kawen so kita terlepas daaa...

syida, ko buleh gak jadi good author, aku tgk blog ko berbunga2 tu :-p

buya, tau tak pe...