Wednesday, June 24, 2009

kelas kapkek

i just meet a new friend, an ex-schoolmate of my husband :D
she's a pleasant lady who reminds me a lot of my best friend during a level (yes, mekda... she reminds me a lot of u)

she lives in sabah with her family, was in semenanjung following her hubby for some sports day.. and she was staying with her parents in seremban. so on the day i agreed to teach her the basic of cupcakes decorating, she came all the way from seremban... rajin tul dia ni!

we had a great day and i hope she learned a lot, even tho i could only teach her sikit je cos me myself pun still at learning stage :D (sorry, jan heheheh)

but fret not, it will not be our last cos nanti boleh jumpa lagi :D

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