Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Many things have been going on in my life - mostly depressing and frustrating and really tested my patience - thus, explain my lost of interest in doing so many things including updating my blog!

You may ask what happen?

Let me just say that shit things happened in life - whether you like it or not.
whether you deserve it or not.
whether you ready or not.


I used to tell myself (and still does), "Allah Maha Mengetahui and Maha Adil - Jangan aniaya orang cos one day, one fiiiiine day, benda2 yang kita buat org akan terpalit kat muka kita sendiri"

During my 'missing' period, I saw denials, unfaithfuls, revenge, lust, temptations, trials and lies....

One of them was an accident that tested the patience and strength of a family. the love of parents to a child... the support of families and friends...

Another was about a girl who forgot her responsibilities and respects and forgot about qada' & qadar...

Another was about a bank and its staff that continuously saying they want to help out the Malaysians but the truth was jauh panggang dari api...

All of which i can come to a conclusion that Allah is Great. Allah Maha Adil. Allah Maha Penyayang....

We are nothing more than hambaNya... who live to worship Him and live by His rules... kalau ikut undang2 sendiri memang ramai teraniaya!

Caya la cakap gua...

1 comment:

Gazza said...

oleh kerana ko mampu bertahan dgn SME bank... aku bg ko award... sila amik award kat blog aku... hahahhha....