Thursday 12 Rabiul Awal Tahun Gajah (23 April 571) is the birthdate of Prophet Muhammad SAW. Thus, let me share my readings from a friend's blog, which he describes the greatness of Nabi SAW that beyond words...
The Distinctive Grandeur of the Leader of Both the Worlds
The Prophet Muhammad SAW has special distinctive notabilities. This was the reason that on the auspicious occasion of the Ascent (M'iraj), he was made the Imam (leader) of all the Prophets AS at Baitulmuqaddis. Similarly, on the Day of Judgement, too, it will be the Prophet Muhammad SAW who will act as an intercessor to implore Allah Most High to give His Judgements. This is the same Lauded Station (Maqam Al-Mahmud) which does not befit anyone but the Prophet Muhammad SAW. All the eminent Prophets AS and all the Holy Messengers AS, on that day, will not dare to act as the intercessor. Only the Prophet Muhammad SAW alone will stand at that station.
The eminent classical scholar - Ibn Hajar Al-Haythami Al-Makki says that Allah Most High has bestowed upon Rasulullah SAW all kinds of superiority over all other Prophets AS and Messengers AS. Ordinarily, the Prophet SAW's special qualities would require volumes upon volumes of kitabs for even the greatest of scholars to describe; and of these, there are Three Special Notabilities which are most obvious, clear and apparent. We shall cover these notabilities in this brief treatise.
THE FIRST SPECIAL NOBILITY: The Prophet Muhammad SAW was called for the Ascent (Mi'raj) with the corporeal i.e. external and physical body and this honour has not been achieved by anyone, save our Holy Prophet SAW, the Chosen Muhammad SAW, and the glory of his singularity is also displayed by the honours and dignity with which he was called.
In Baitulmuqaddis, the Prophet Muhammad SAW was made the Imam, to lead the Solat (prayer) of all the Angels and the Prophets AS. When the prayer was over, the Angel - Jibril AS introduced all the Prophets AS to him and they all congratulated him and paid tributes of praise.
THE SECOND SPECIAL NOBILITY: The second special and important feature amongst the Prophet Muhammad SAW's special features is - his leadership over all Mankind and Jinnkind. The Prophet SAW is the leader of all the Prophets AS and Messengers AS, rather, the entire Humankind and Jinnkind.
THE THIRD SPECIAL NOTABILITY: The third notability of the Noble Prophet Muhammad SAW - which the grand scholar, Ibn Hajar Al-Haythami Al-Makki RA has mentioned concerns those innumerable miracles of his which will last forever, is as follows:
"And by way of a miracle, the Qur'an itself is sufficient which will last till the approach of the Day of Doom; and in itself the Holy Prophet's (SAW) countless miracles and unlimited merits and praises have been described."
Agungnya sifat Nabi Muhammad, indahnya sejarah Baginda, mulianya hati Baginda... sehingga Allah memberi balasan kepada sesiapa yg berniat memuliakan hari kelahirannya dan juga melakukan kebaikan pada hari tersebut.
Aku bermuhasabah diri pada hari ini... dan sedar betapa diri ini jauh ketinggalan...
Semoga kita semua insaf dan berubah ke arah kebaikan diri, dan Muslim sedunia... amin..